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2024年1月22日——在圣母教堂的中心 全国领先的留学机会 are dedicated 和 talented staff members who bring the student experience to life.

为博士. 伊莎贝尔·卡拉斯科·卡斯特罗, 谁担任圣母西班牙计划的主任, her role is about more than administration; it’s about curating moments that students will carry with them long after their study abroad journey is over.

Marist's Spain program is nested within the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), 欧洲最负盛名的大学之一. 有两条不同的轨道西班牙语英文—students can tailor their academic journey to match their language proficiency.

在她的角色中, Isabel combines her responsibilities to coordinate the program with her academic work 和 个人 passions, 包括她对涂鸦的研究兴趣, 书法, 还有街头艺术. She seamlessly blends her responsibilities by sharing unparalleled knowledge of Madrid’s urban l和scape, ensuring that students not only gain academic knowledge during their abroad experience, but also discover the artistry 和 vibrancy that the city 和 country offer.

马瑞斯特西班牙计划, her role is about more than administration; it’s about curating moments that students will carry with them long after their study abroad journey is over.  伊莎贝尔说:“我喜欢随性和即兴创作. “I read the vibes of each group of students 和 change things to suit them.”  Marist's Spain program is nested within the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), 欧洲最负盛名的大学之一. 有两条不同的轨道西班牙语 和 英文—students can tailor their academic journey to match their language proficiency.  在她的角色中, Isabel combines her responsibilities to coordinate the program with her academic work 和 个人 passions, 包括她对街头涂鸦的研究兴趣, 书法, 还有街头艺术. She seamlessly blends her responsibilities by sharing unparalleled knowledge of Madrid’s urban l和scape, ensuring that students not only gain academic knowledge during their abroad experience, but also discover the artistry 和 vibrancy that the city 和 country offer.    Dr. 伊莎贝尔·卡拉斯科·卡斯特罗 with President Kevin Weinman 和 students in Marist Spain program.  ​

Dr. 伊莎贝尔·卡拉斯科·卡斯特罗 with President Kevin Weinman 和 students in the Marist Spain program. 图片由Marist Spain提供.

“Isabel’s dedication to enriching the study abroad experience shines through in every interaction, from weekend excursions to check-ins in her office to make sure students are confident 和 prepared to excel overseas,23岁的Mia Garofalo说, 他在bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学学习心理学,春天在马德里学习, 2022年学期.

As a child growing up in Madrid's suburbs, Isabel was far more interested in crayons than toys. Her interest in art led her to study art history at Complutense University in Spain. 后来,她在同一所学校获得了哲学博士学位.

随着她的教育进入她的职业生涯, 她参与了艺术实践和艺术批评的结合, 街头艺术成为她的主要关注点.


西班牙街头艺术. 图片由伊莎贝尔·卡拉斯科·卡斯特罗提供.

“I’m very interested in social justice issues 和 the street is the place of activism 最卓越的她说。. “我喜欢原始的东西,不受金钱或任何其他力量的影响, just the person­—not even necessarily a professional artist—expressing something 和 questioning the status quo.”

Isabel brings this passion 和 expertise into the experiences of Marist students in Spain through a wide variety of memorable learning opportunities that are second to none.

“街头艺术徒步旅行是我永远不会忘记的事情,25岁的Daniella Lipoff说, 她是一名小学教育专业的学生,2022年在西班牙学习. “Isabel would go out of her way to make sure that we were seeing the most authentic 和 coolest sights that Madrid had to offer.”

与西班牙文化的接触也远远超出了马德里, 还有前往巴塞罗那和加那利群岛的短途旅行, 在其他地方和地区的网站.

伊莎贝尔每周组织文化沉浸活动, 包括一场弗拉门戈表演, 歌舞表演, 参观一个废弃的地铁站,21岁的Juliann Negron说, 谁获得了应用数学学位, 2017年在西班牙待一个学期. “She also planned a few trips outside of Madrid for us, including Sevilla 和 Tangier, Morocco. I am forever grateful for her labors of love to give us the ultimate Madrid experience.”

除了伊莎贝尔提供的沉浸式学习之外, students say she helps smooth the adjustment to living abroad 和 is always available to help them learn 和 grow.

Image of students in Marist Madrid program on a tour of the city’s street art. 图片由博士提供. 伊莎贝尔·卡拉斯科·卡斯特罗.

Marist西班牙项目的学生们正在参观城市的街头艺术. 图片由博士提供. 伊莎贝尔·卡拉斯科·卡斯特罗.

“适应一个新城市可能会有压力, 但伊莎贝尔有一种令人难以置信的方式,让它无缝过渡,” said Alex Carlin '17 who earned his degree in psychology 和 Spanish 和 spent the full 2015-16 academic year in Madrid. “她超越了一切, offering support 和 guidance to every student in the program to help them succeed both in 和 out of the classroom.”

“Isabel’s positive 和 enthusiastic attitude pushed me to constantly get out of my comfort zone: to go places I once thought were not for me,22岁的Franciluz Lizardo说, 的接受者 本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金 她获得了人类生物学学位,并于2022年在西班牙学习. “My experience in Madrid would not have been the same if Isabel wasn’t there.“

Isabel’s guidance 和 expertise help foster the College’s commitment to bringing Marist to the world 和 the world to Marist, 的关键组成部分 bet亚洲365欢迎投注100 战略眼光.

Dr. 伊莎贝尔·卡拉斯科·卡斯特罗 with Marist faculty, staff, 和 students posing for a fun photo in Venice. 图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Dr. 伊莎贝尔·卡拉斯科·卡斯特罗 with Marist faculty, staff, 和 students posing for a fun photo in Venice. 图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

“I've been taking advantage of every single opportunity that Marist has proposed to travel, 开发, 建立联系她说。. “我是一个非常活跃的研究人员,我热爱我的工作, 在我继续学习的过程中,bet亚洲365欢迎投注一直很支持我, 所以我也可以帮助这个项目变得更强大.”

"Dr. Carrasco Castro is the consummate international education professional," said Dr. John Peters, Associate Provost for International Engagement 和 Senior International Officer. “她为bet亚洲365欢迎投注西班牙计划提供了明确的领导, 有很强的学术背景, 在她的领域广泛出版和展示, 并有助于培养知识分子, 个人, 以及她的学生的专业成长. 我们很幸运有她作为团队的一员!"

One of Isabel’s main goals is to make sure students are confident that they can navigate both the school 和 the city when they arrive for their study abroad experience.

“Everything is planned to make them feel very familiar with everything她说。. “我们一起乘坐地铁、公共汽车、火车,什么都一起做.”

UC3M类似于欧洲的一所常春藤盟校, 有时学生们会带着一点恐惧来到这里. One of Isabel’s favorite aspects of the job is watching students evolve 和 gain confidence attending a new university in a new city.

伊莎贝尔说:“我总是告诉学生:玛丽斯特在这里是有原因的。. “学生们成功地来到了这里. 不要害怕坐在你旁边的人. 你会成功的,你会感到骄傲的.”

You can find more information on Marist’s program in Spain at the following links: click here for the 西班牙语 轨道和这里的 英文 track.
